Wednesday, September 23, 2015

A Successful Move

So I have officially moved to Ohio and started working at my new building. It's all been pretty exciting, and the week my employer gave me to get settled seemed to fly by. Luckily I had my dad with me to help out and put together lots of IKEA furniture. (Surely he must be an angel, as I would still be sleeping on the floor without him.)

I called my mom on Sunday for the first time since I moved and we were able to FaceTime for awhile. It was so good to see her face but you know we both got a little misty-eyed for a few's so hard to be separated from your best friend. That's what my mom is to me; my best friend. But we managed to move past that and enjoy some laughs and the rest of our conversation.

While we are on the topic of people I miss greatly...I was able to stop by Charlie's house on the way out of Iowa to spend some time with her before I left. It was awesome! She was happy, outgoing and got to meet my dad, Chris! He thought she was pretty cute (like, duh.) and she really liked his glasses. We got to take a few pictures together and I think I told her that I love her about 100 times and gave her over a million kisses. Even with her snotty nose (teething is the worst) I still loved giving her some sugar.

She also was able to show me that she knows where her nose, eyes, ear, hair, tummy, toes and hands are. Oh, and when you say, "TOUCHDOWN!!" she will throw her hands up in the air. It's pretty much the most adorable thing I've ever seen. Well, she could drool all over my sunglasses and I'd still think she's the most adorable thing I've ever seen...oh wait, that already happened. But you get the idea.

In terms of me adjusting to life out here....I think it's too soon to tell if I'm 100% happy. But I can see myself being very happy out here. I'll share more as I experience more.

So here's a few photos of me and my girl, and my dad meeting her, too! 

And here's me and my dad being super cute on the road!


1 comment:

  1. That was a pretty cool event. Had to be super bitter/sweet. It was for me too. It was nice to hold a baby girl again.
