Saturday, July 2, 2016

Happy Birthday to My Favorite 2 Year Old!

Well here we are...two years into your beautiful and blessed life. Two years since I first saw your sweet face. Two years since I made the hardest decision of my life. And two years more in love with you.

I came home to Iowa to be able to see you during your birthday and I am so glad I did! Though we only shared a few hours together, it was so much fun to see you smiling, learning, laughing, eating, singing and even when you got kind of grumpy was fun to watch. You do this thing where you push your hands together and say, "Nooooooo!!" when you're upset with something. I thought it was pretty cute, and what was even better was how quickly you were back to being your happy, carefree self. My parents have always said I was a very resilient child, and I'm hoping that maybe that characteristic was passed on to you, too!

We brought over Chick-fil-a and cupcakes to your house to celebrate and you loved it! You ate almost all of your kids meal and then you went for that cupcake with your fingers first. You especially enjoyed the frosting and sprinkles!

Next we got to open presents with you! You knew exactly what we were talking about when we said that and it was adorable to see you push your chair away from the table and ask to get down in order to get to the present time. First you opened my present to you, which was a couple of outfits that all kind of intermix together. I got you hot pink because why not!? Plus you look adorable in that color. And someday you may not want to wear pink for now, it's pink. :)

Then you opened a little gift my mom had picked out for you and you LOVED it! It was a set of puppets and the moment you opened it, you said, "Yay!" You were able to name a couple of them, too! You knew which was a policeman and which was a doctor. It was at this point that I realized you are a genius. But it was so sweet because you just kept on saying, "Yay, people!" You really seem to love people. Then we played with the puppets and practiced saying, "Hello," to each other.

The rest of our visit was spent playing and you pulling out every single toy that you own to show us. It was great! You are so active and love to play non stop. However, by the time we were leaving, you were pretty tired...I'm positive you went down for a nap the moment we left.

It was honestly a great way to spend a Friday morning/afternoon. I loved every moment of being around you and though you're not much for being held and cuddled these days, the sweet kisses (or sugars as your mommy calls them) you gave me melted my heart.

I am so proud of you and who you are growing up to be. I am so thankful for your mommy and daddy....they are doing such a good job of being your parents! And I can't wait to see what the next year has in store for you!

I love you to the moon and back, sweet child.
