Saturday, July 25, 2015

What Will Distance Do To Us?

Hi baby girl,

I probably need to stop calling you that now that you're one. But to me, you'll always be my little baby girl. So just get used to that. :)

This is a blog I've been dreading to write, but I know it has to happen. Right now there is only about an hour and a half drive between us and I love it. You are near enough that I could get to you pretty quickly but far enough that you and your parents have space to be your own family. But recently at work, I was given a promotion and offered a relocation. This all came with much excitement, but the minute they said relocation, you were the first person I thought about.

They want me to move to Ohio, which is where my company is headquartered. There is a lot of opportunity for my career advancement out there, but it's so far from you and from everyone/everything I've ever known here in Iowa. Plus, it's not even warm! I'm just moving from one snowy state to another! Hmph.

There will soon be 10 hours between us. 600+ miles of distance to travel in order to see eachother face to face. When I was at your house last weekend, it was so hard to imagine what that will be like. I love seeing you, holding you, playing with you and laughing with you. You bring me more joy than I can even put into words! But what I also know is that I want you to be proud of me...I want you to know that I didn't stop going for my dreams and goals. What happened to me could have crippled me and my life, but because of you I want to do more and be a better person. This job and next step in my life is just that. It is more and will make me a better person.

Because I chose adoption, it allows me to return to the life I had started before I was blessed with you in my tummy. So I hope that by me moving away and pursuing bigger and better things, you know that nothing can stop you from being amazing. You can make choices to better yourself and to push yourself to be more. And that is what I'm intending to do.

As for you and me...We will FaceTime and every time I come back home, I will always make a visit to see you. You are my family. Your parents are my family. So seeing you is as much of a priority as seeing my mom and dad is. And I know that the love I have for you is strong enough that you will feel it wherever we may be.

Love you,


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