It's basically an article announcing that adoption agencies around the country are wanting volunteers to cuddle brand new babies who are between families/moving through the adoption process. It gives very little information about the actual process, purpose, function or really anything about it. But rather, shows a cute photo of an elderly man holding a brand new baby on his shoulder.
I want to preface this by saying that yes, there is a need for such a volunteer. Yes, this is a real thing that has value to the baby. And yes, it's awesome that so many people have open hearts and want to hold these sweet little kiddos while they wait for their forever families to come.
But here's the deal. It's not about you. This is about the child, the birth mom and the future family who will be adopting the baby. Sure, you will be able to enjoy some sweet cuddle time with a newborn, but remember that you also will be responsible for getting up 2-3 times per night to feed the baby, you'll have to be the one to change their diapers and you'll have to figure out a way to not grow attached because that baby will eventually leave your home.
The whole point of this interim care is to allow the birth mom to think her decision through. By having the child in a separate location, the birth mom can go to their home and have a good nights sleep, spend time thinking and ultimately make a decision that they are happy with. Sometimes that means going to the interim home and picking up their baby, but sometimes that means leaving the baby there until the adoptive family is ready to pick the child up.
I was offered a service just like this but didn't feel a need to use it in my situation, but I know of another birth mom who did. And the birth mom actually stayed at the interim house with her babies (she had twin girls) while she made her decision. It's a very delicate time for everyone involved, so I just want to stress how important it is that you remember that its not about you.
I would also like to point out that being able to provide this interim care requires a serious process to be sure you're a safe, accountable and stable person to be given this much responsibility. It isn't like you just get handed a baby with a quick signature or something.
So please, feel free to continue to share and post it along with people who you think would love this type of volunteer work...but hopefully knowing this information will help clear up exactly the type of person the adoption agencies are looking for.