I look at our world today, filled with a million different voices with a million different opinions on a million different issues. The one that breaks my heart the most is the pro life vs pro choice debate. I think all of you reading this should be pretty clear where I stand....I am obviously pro life. I value ALL life. And as much as I grieve for the women who are raped or molested by family members, I also grieve for the child that is conceived in those moments and has no voice. I understand all of the arguments...I really do. I mean, I lived it. I get it. But no matter what anyone could tell me, I just can't falter on this issue.
Some of you may recall the time that a trending topic on twitter was #ShoutYourAbortion. It literally makes me sick just to type it, let alone know that millions of women were proudly proclaiming that they had an abortion. This was their way of claiming their bodies and taking control of their own human rights...fighting "The Man." And while I admit it takes a large amount of courage to publicly admit such a thing, I can't imagine that one tweet will make them feel better about that decision. The reality of that decision has either been shoved deep down within them, so far down that they can't feel it anymore, or they truly have lost their own compassion for human life. Because they ended one.
Luckily, there was also another trending topic on twitter at the time called #ShoutYourAdoption. Praise God for that hashtag because it was the only way my day wasn't completely ruined from looking at social media that day. And that one hashtag has kind of been my self talk since having my little Charlie. Why isn't adoption talked about more? Why are there so few birth moms talking about their brave decision? Why are people so uncomfortable when they find out my story for the first time? I'm not uncomfortable...I love to talk about my daughter. I assume it's kind of the same way other parents love to talk about their children.
So here I am, trying to be a voice for all birth moms, women facing an unplanned pregnancy, children who have been placed for adoption and just everyone in the world. What happened to me and the decisions that followed should not be a secret. Charlie should not be a secret. Adoption should not be a secret. #ShoutYourAdoption is something so beautiful to me. It's an amazing opportunity for every person involved with adoption. To have the freedom and courage to share your story, with hopes that another person might also be brave enough to choose life. That they might know there are OPTIONS available to them. And that one decision, either way, will literally change your life forever.
I hope that this blog helps others know the birth mother's side of adoption. I hope that this blog will help another woman faced with an unplanned pregnancy to be brave. I hope that this blog will serve as a source of answers and information for Charlie one day.
I also hope that my story becomes one of many. I want to meet other birth moms who are proudly sharing their hearts and maybe even show each other photos of our little blessings. I pray that my family is proud of me and that they know how much I love them for standing by me. I want God to use me and my life, and Charlie's life for that matter, for His glory.
This became quite a bit longer than I originally intended it to be, but I hope this explains to those reading why this is so important to me. It's not for attention, it's not for sympathy...or anything of that sort. I simply want to share. :)